RSB announces Sustainable Marine Fuels Platform to navigate the transition to sustainable marine fuels
The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) has announced a new platform that will focus on the key sustainability topics affecting the transition to sustainable marine fuels (SMF), driving engagement with regulators, and advocating for a robust and consistent sustainability approach.
SMF will play an important role in achieving the shipping sector’s decarbonisation goals. To accelerate the transition towards a sustainable and bio-based circular economy, in which SMF production and use is developed in a consistent, just and sustainable manner, it will be vital that relevant stakeholders come together to understand what lessons came be learnt from other sectors and from each other.
The RSB Sustainable Marine Fuel Platform will provide a central place for RSB members in the shipping sector, relevant fuel producers, and non-profits and NGOs to convene and collaboratively discuss important topics around SMF, sustainability certification and consistent LCA methodologies.
Initial activities as the Sustainable Marine Fuel Platform kicks off include:
• A collaboration with interested parties in scoping requirements and activities for the platform in 2023;
• A series of learning sessions on sustainability criteria, Power-to-X, Book & Claim and other key topics to support participants;
• An initial virtual meeting in February 2023; and
• A first physical meeting in Copenhagen on 22-23 March 2023.
“I am excited to launch RSB’s new Sustainable Marine Fuels Platform that brings RSB members and relevant stakeholders in the shipping sector together to discuss and provide recommendations on how to support the development of bio-based and circular solutions for the sector – built upon a strong approach to sustainability,” says Hannah Walker, RSB’s Outreach & Engagement Director.
If you would like to learn more about the RSB Sustainable Marine Fuel Platform and register your interest, click here.
The platform will be open to RSB members only. To learn more about becoming an RSB member, click here.