About RSB
RSB works to ensure that the inevitable transformation to a biocircular economy is truly environmentally sustainable and socially just.
In partnership with the RSB membership community, we have developed a robust and credible sustainability framework, also known as the RSB Principles & Criteria.
The RSB Principles & Criteria describe how to ensure that this global transition is grounded in a holistic sustainability approach that goes beyond decarbonisation – advancing positive social and environmental outcomes. RSB’s approach empowers decision-makers in brands, industry, policy-making settings, and beyond, to deliver positive impacts for people and the planet.
Our vision for the biocircular economy
Current scenario
Environmentally unsustainable
- Climate in crisis and widespread ecosystem destruction
- Harmful production practices
- Increasing use of finite resources
Negative social impact
- Livelihood insecurity
- Food insecurity
- Water insecurity
Extractive resource use
- Exploitation of natural resources
- Linear approach
- Waste creation
Ideal scenario
Environmentally sustainable
- 1.5°C warming cap achieved and net zero emissions
- Ecosystems restored and enhanced
- Fossil fuels left in the ground
Positive social impact
- Human & labour rights guaranteed
- Global nutrition assured
- Global water access assured
Bio-based and circular resource use
- Regenerative use of natural resources
- Maximum circularity
- Zero waste
Our mission