Quantafuel joins the RSB
RSB is very pleased to welcome Quantafuel as our latest member. Quantafuel is a pioneer of advanced biofuel – producing synthetic diesel, gasoline and jet fuel from waste streams that include waste plastic and wood chips. With their first commercial plant under construction in Denmark, Quantafuel will also be seeking RSB certification, further highlighting their commitment to the development of a truly sustainable bioeconomy.
Quantafuel’s Chief Commercial Officer, Thomas Tharaldsen, had this to say about their membership, “Quantafuel is determined to become a global solution to stop unnecessary displacement of valuable resources, converting plastic waste, biomaterials and other carbon-based waste sources into valuable high quality transportation fuels. The RSB membership and certification further builds on the core values of Quantafuel and provides our partners and customers with transparency and traceability. Together we will contribute to reducing the impact of wasteful practices harming our oceans and eco systems. By utilizing proprietary state-of-the-art technologies to build a strong and sustainable system that creates value from underused waste resources, Quantafuel aims to inspire societies to view plastic waste as a valuable resource that can have a second life as clean environmental friendly fuel”.
We look forward to working to support Quantafuel in their ambitions – and to further develop a healthy and sustainable bioeconomy together!