RSB Certification Applicant AltAir Providing Renewable Fuels to United at LAX Airport
United Airlines made history today by becoming the first U.S. airline to begin use of commercial-scale volumes of sustainable aviation biofuel in partnership with AltAir Fuels (AltAir) for regularly scheduled flights from Los Angeles International Airport. AltAir is currently pursuing certification under the RSB. The AltAir facility is the world’s first dedicated, commercial-scale renewable jet fuel production facility. The refinery converts non-edible natural oils and agricultural wastes into jet fuel as well as renewable diesel.
“RSB welcomes AltAir into the certification process and looks forward to the results soon,” said Barbara Bramble, RSB’s Board Chair. “We are excited to work with AltAir and United to further the use of sustainable biofuels in order to truly make an impact on greenhouse gas emissions in the aviation sector.”