New Draft RSB Standard for Low iLUC Biofuels
The RSB released a draft of the “Low iLUC Risk Biomass Criteria and Compliance Indicators” for finalisation by RSB members at the June 1stGeneral Assembly meeting. By complying with these new criteria, producers will be able to demonstrate that biomass was produced with no indirect impact on food production or biodiversity. The new criteria and indicators will form the basis of an add-on module to the RSB standard for biofuels and bioproducts and is based on the Low Indirect Impact Biofuels (LIIB) Methodology, developed in collaboration with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Ecofys. Download the press release here. Biomass Magazine, Biofuels Journal and other publications noted that the RSB’s draft low iLUC risk standard and how RSB-certified operators that comply with the new criteria and compliance indicators will be entitled to an extra “low iLUC risk” on-product claim. Articles also noted that the new iLUC standard is undergoing consultation with RSB members and will be finalised by the Assembly of Delegates at the June 1st General Assembly meeting in Geneva.