Hanwa Becomes the First Company to Attain RSB Japan FIT Certification
The very first certification to RSB’s Japan FIT Standard has been issued to Hanwa, one of Japan’s biggest importers of Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) for the energy market in the country.
RSB has adapted its best-in-class sustainability standard to enable biomass producers and traders to demonstrate compliance with the sustainability requirements of RSB and to unlock access to Japan’s Feed in Tarif (FIT) system. FIT sets out a system of incentives for the production of renewable electricity in Japan which includes subsidies for the procurement of biomass which includes vegetable oils as well as various agricultural and industrial residues and end-of-life products. RSB’s approach was recognised by Japan’s Ministry for Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
Adaptations to the RSB Standard for specific regional requirements, including Japan’s FIT system, and the European Union Renewable Energy Directive enable simplified access to these markets for RSB certified materials, while demonstrating that they go beyond requirements to include truly robust sustainability requirements.
Announcing their new certification Tanabe Keisuke, Sector Chief at Hanwa had this to say, “We hope that Hanwa achieving RSB certification will prompt greater uptake of sustainability assured by the RSB certification within the Japan FIT market.”
RSB’s Executive Director, Rolf Hogan, added, “We are extremely pleased to see the very first certification to the new RSB Japan FIT Standard, enabling Hanwa to both demonstrate compliance with local Japanese regulation and showcase their commitment to sustainability. Above and beyond this first certification, RSB and Hanwa will be working together to develop solutions that enable more operators across the supply chain to achieve RSB certification and advance sustainability in the Japanese energy market.”
Hanwa and RSB are collaborating to develop and test a new approach to manage RSB compliance along the supply chain – including points of origin (mills), first collectors and traders. The aim is to simplify the process of demonstrating compliance for mills, while ensuring that RSB’s robust sustainability requirements are being met. By reducing the time involved in preparation and auditing, more mills will be encouraged to work with RSB and demonstrate the best-in-class sustainability required by the RSB Standard – contributing to better environmental and social practices in the industry.
View Hanwa’s RSB Certificate and Audit Summary Report.
Explore all RSB Certificates here.