RSB partners with SSI for marine focus at 2018 Annual Meeting
How do we build a truly sustainable shipping industry by 2040? What lessons can be learned from the path already being beaten by the aviation industry? What technical and supply chain expertise is needed to create the truly sustainable alternative fuels the industry will need if it is become a leader in the fight against climate change?
These are just some of the questions we will be tackling at the newly announced SSI/RSB Marine Panel during RSB’s 2018 Annual Meeting.
The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) is a grouping of leading maritime companies and NGOs, which aims to create a sustainable shipping industry by 2040. The SSI will be working with the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) to unlock the experience of members of the roundtable who have important lessons and experiences to share in the development of alternative fuel supply chains. The RSB is a multi-stakeholder organisation with a world-class sustainability Standard for bio- based and alternative fuels – as well as all biomaterials and biomaterials supply chains – that has been developed by leaders from industry, academia, research, NGOs and more.
The SSI will be at the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials’ Annual Meeting in Berlin on 6-7 December 2018 to support a session with RSB members that will unpack the lessons to be learned from other industries that are working to develop sustainable alternative fuels and develop effective supply chains. Bringing together RSB members from across industries and NGOs, the session will invite contributions from RSB members and global organisations like Airbus, Air France, IATA, UPM, GoodFuels, WWF, the National Wildlife Federation and more.
Ultimately, this session aims to support the SSI in developing an effective roadmap for the introduction of truly sustainable alternative fuels to this global sector.
Get your tickets to the event now.