RSB Cover Letter Template
Below you will find the cover letter template. Should you have any questions related to the membership application process, please be in touch with our Membership and Events Officer, Aléz Odendaal.
This letter must be written on the official letterhead paper of the organisation.
[insert date here]
RSB – Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials Association
International Environment House 2
Chemin de Balexert 7-9
1219 Châtelaine
Application for Membership of the RSB – Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials Association
Dear RSB Board of Directors,
We are pleased to hereby submit our application for RSB Membership.
Our organisation [insert organisation name and overview of organisation activities].
We unconditionally accept the RSB Articles of Association, as well as any and all other documents decided, approved, adopted, enacted and implemented by the RSB.
We declare that, to the best of our knowledge, there is currently no conflict of interest between our activities and our participation in the RSB – Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials Association. [if this is not the case, please describe where you may potentially have conflicts of interest]
Thank you for considering our application.
[insert name and title of the person authorised to make the commitment on behalf of your organisation]
IMPORTANT: If you are applying for a dues waiver or dues reduction with your application, please make sure to include:
- The type of dues waiver, offset or reduction
- The percentage amount requested where applicable
- Reasoning
- Related commitments where applicable
- Supporting documents where applicable (attached to your cover letter in PDF).
More information can be found on dues waivers, reductions and offsets here.